Sunday, January 12, 2014



Made my own soup \y brunh! Really been into eating healthier lately.
I mean of course I still eat-out but I try to order things that are not too heavy~
No oil or MSG just a pinch of salt ~ 
it's always gonna be healthy Sunday (fingers crossed, no temptation on Sundays)

I even borrowed mags reading up on fitness & nutrition etc..
How I wish my mom allows me to use the oven/ stir fry
& if you don't know I am a big fan of

*DrumRolll pleasee*

& yes, my friend actually got me a box of these from Japan...
Really touched, I thought she'll give me a few but not the entire box!
ok well, there's only 8 inside but it's strawberryyyy flavoured  (*_*)y
y'all know the thing about Japanese food, they look so exquisite, wrapped and presented so neatly 
it's almost as if all their food are ready to be gifted to your friends without even having the hassle to wrap it, cause it's already wrapped...

mag + strawberries + mini strawberry cake~ 

it's custard with a strawberry layer!
it is pretty much similar to Tokyo Banana but with strawberry filling!
why isn't this bigger? it should be the size of Tokyo bananna!

gave some to my family member so I am left with 2
I heart strawberries!-----

G'night it's Monday yet again.

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